Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nation and Leaders

In many of the frustrations, dissatisfactions and grievances that I read or hear about Malaysia, I noticed a terrible confusion between THE NATION, MALAYSIA, and some of its people called "leaders". Because the aggreived party doesn't like certain leaders -hate them like shit, maybe - he or she started to rave or rant against the nation, insulting THE CONSTITUTION, THE NATIONAL ANTHEM,or certain racial groups, calling names and nemisis, indicting THE NATION as a whole.

Hold on to your asses my friends! It's not our nation or the beautiful country, Malaysia, and her beautiful people, I'm sure, that is at fault. It's those leaders that you abhore and would like to see hanging from the nearest tree, that you're up in arms against. So why insult our country and our people, our Constitution and our national symbols of nationhood, our pride and prestige? You insult Malaysians, you also insult your own self, your parents and your ancestors who have lived and thrived in this country. You cuss the nation and it's like cussing your own home!

Let's get our orientation right. If there are leaders that you hate, just aim your vitriolics at them and rap out why. The democratic processes in this country is still in place or otherwise we would not even be able to say the things that we have been saying. Politics is an evil that all human beings in this world must live with bacause it's about people influencing other people and getting themselves elected as leaders in an organized society. The alternative to politics is anarchy and lawlessness. Or getting foreigners to rule over you, perhaps with guns, rockets and missiles aimed at you and your homes....

If respect begets respect, insult begets insult. Who are we going to respect if we start insulting each other? The mark of civilization is when we can protest in a civilized way and not seek refuge in vociferating invectives using four-letter words....
especially in rap songs that only certain people will appreciate. Don't insult the whole nation and its people ( that is OURSELVES) because you dislike certain leaders. Let's get rid of them through the democratic processes....


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