But the anniversary cheers for me and family was rudely interrupted by news of the death of a cousin - a very jovial chap with diabetes, heart and kidney problem whose company could make you smile and laugh until your tears roll down and your stomoch aches. He had a chequered but successful career as a Felda Manager but he certainly carried his physical woes with dignity and decorum, right to the end. May Allah bless your soul, Adik Kamarul. We miss you dearly.
Hence the morning of September 1, was a sad and solemn day at his house in Jempol, NS. Tears flowed readily from many of our elderly relatives and his elder brother told me that when he visited some relatives in KL a week earlier including myself, he did say on parting that he was going back for the last time. Nobody took him seriously then. Without his presence the bungalow house he designed himself on a two-acre fruit garden,felt so desolated in spite of the hundreds who came to pay their last respect...

I had hardly managed to control my emotions when my wife and me drove to our next venue - a wedding reception for the daughter of another cousin. The sudden change of mood from tears to cheers left me somewhat confused. I met so many happy faces and exchanged the usual pleasantries while still choked with the thoughts of the other cousin's untimely death. Accommodating two contrasting experience on the same day suddenly made me realize its similarity with celebrating this year's merdeka anniversary - jubilation, pomp and ceremony on the one had and an awareness of the nation's nagging problems on the other.
But what the heck! I'm now just a senior citizen who can only reflect on what has passed and what is held in store for the Malaysians and the nation. After attending the wedding reception I still had the responsibility of visiting two Aunties before going back to KL, both of whom had had a big hand in helping me to grow up. One is my Uncle's widow with whom I stayed when I was attending school in Kuala Pilah. It was tears again when we met, even as I recount the days of my naughtiness and naivette which must have exasperated her to no end. Her illustrious second son whom I helped to take care of as a child was also present and the serious-looking ex-Director General of Felda looked so boyish and amused as we skimmed through some of the interesting pages of history...
The second Auntie is my late fathers's sister. She's of course like my own late mother...and she was alone at home when I stopped by, with two sons having passed away and the others working in KL and Seremban. She's about the only senior relative that I know who chose to stay home and not move around staying with her sons and daughters. It was tears again interspersed with laughter as my wife and I hugged and kissed her. Both frail and sick, she is still to me a tower of strength and inspiration, the grand old lady who helped to make my life both meaningful and pleasant. I love you very much, Auntie.
If August 31st is most memorable, September 1st has been most sobering and edifying for me, full of cheers and tears, fulfilment and anxiety with regard to the issues that Malaysians must now face....after the jubilations and falicitations are over.....
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