It was some two and a half hours' journey by car to Juasseh before, now shrunk to about just over an hour with time for lunch. How come.? The roads have been improved consirably with a shortcut accross country via LEKAS ( the Kajang-Setemban Express Highway) and a straightened road over the hills of Bukit Putus ( the Seremban-Ulu Bendul Highway or SUBUH - no name given and that is my suggestion). The older North-South highway had become too congested while the old Bukit Putus twister road needs only a heavily loaded truck (lorry) crawling up in front of you to cause a bumper-to-bumper jam over a narrow, hilly area of some six kilometers. The name Broken Hill Road ( Jalan Bukit Putus) was really an appropriate sobriquet for the older passage between Seremban and Ulu Bendul.
The mad-rush journey was quite uneventful. Except for two or three accidents between cars and the same number involving motocycles. Is that uneventful? Yes consideration that an accident like the Simpang Pulai-Kampung Raja bus accident accident can quash 27 lives. No one seemed to be killed in the five or six accidents I saw though but the jams they caused were attrocious. Most surprisingly an accident on one side of a dual highway caused as nasty a jam on the other side of the road as well. People slow down to see and, seemingly, enjoy the sight. Then they speed on again as if nothing has happened.
When we reached the house of our late Auntie, the oft unoccupied house was already teeming with relatives and visitors.( See pics).

Every mosque in the village seemed to have such a van nowadays with the name of the village which owns it boldly emblazoned on the sides of the van. The van is often new and modern but the stretcher on which the corpse is carried often looked cheap and rickety. I would consider it an insult to the dead, seeing how others respect and pamper their departed. On two occasions, in my own and my wife's village, the Imam was complaining that there was no money to buy a new stretcher. I suppose the van is bought by government or with its assistance. Will have to check on that.
The Muslim's burial ceremony is very simple. The dead is given a last prayer in the house ( or mosque/madrasah) by those in attendance ( even women are allowed to join in), all standing up and in close formation. No rukuk, sujud or iktidal. A representative of the departed will then thank everyone in attendance and proclaim that if the departed had any outstanding debt to anyone, a claim for repayment can be made to him. Normally nobody does and the debt is just forgotten or considered as a gift to the departed. Yes, If the departed rests in the house overnight, visitors will come and read the al-quran (surah Yassin) on his/her behalf almost throughout the night.
The real burial ceremony is again very simple. ( Those who accompany the departed to the graveyard often take the opportunity to visit the grave of beloved ones).

The departed is laid to rest in a grave six feet deep and after the ground is levelled again with a rectangular ridge to mark where he/she is buried, the Imam and crowd sit beside it to perform the "hand over" ceremoney to Allah. The 'takqin' reminds the departed of what his/her answer should be when questioned by Allah's Inquisitioners ( Munkar wa Nangkir), that the joy of life on earth has ended for him/her, and that all were giving a final goodbye to him/her. The Doa will be read and everyone present joins in the endorsement of the praises to Allah the Most Merciful requesting Him to place the soul of the departed among the souls of the blessed.

After that everyone goes home leaving the departed in his/her final place of rest.( For three nights after this some people hold a doa reading ceremony with some refreshments}.
It's a most sobering occasion, inviting one to reflect on one's own journey in life and what one has done to deserve a place in heaven. Or will it be some place else? It's always a sublime experience to me and this is the first time I've recorded it in writing so that others might want to share it with me. Amin.
I think what you described is quite typical of a Muslim burial in Malaysia, excepting the ones honoured by the state.
Certainly so, Akhi Pakcik Al-Manar. We've gone through the experience many times but I've never documented it. Seeing that I have a lot of foreign visitors to my website I decided to record n share the experience. Sorry if it sounds very humdrum to you. I am sure some of our kids have not followed their beloved ones to the grave on the death of the latter. A lot to learn from the experince. Salam.
Akhi Norzah,
This certainly is an education, to foreigners or otherwise - very well documented for a quickie glance! And SUBUH is cute!
Thanks for the support, Akhi Kaykuala. I didn't mean it to be educational. It was a self reflection occasioned by the departure of a relative but I remember many graveyard scenes portraying the Christian faith. Why not show a little of the way we send off our dead to the Creator (Allah). Of course the picture given is very sketchy since the emphasis is on my own reflections,
This could have been rendered better in poetry, I think. Care to try?
Akhi Norzah,
Please do. Visited 'Moon' at my rainbow?
Yes, I've. Thank you very much for bringing up the poem for friendly scrutiny. Your friends are of course very supportive and encouraging. Please thank them for me, especially your tutor the grand lady.Got the new poem I sent you?
Akhi Norzah,
Can post 'Hugs' in my Rainbow with credits acknowledged?
After that,we should see another poetry connected direct from your blog, don't you think so? Your 'Moon' got excellent reviews! Shows the others crave for more.
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